The event was a report on Automation, Robotics, and Other Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for their Science, Technology, and Society course. Students are required to visit various factories and invited a high school robotics team for their presentation. They chose Redox Chemical Industries as one of the factories to support them and we didn’t hesitate to say yes on their once in a lifetime invitation to become part of their ongoing project.

Redox Chemical Industries: Support Students of University of the Philippines, Diliman On Their Automation, Robotics, and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Project Last September 2014.
The event was held last September 24, 2014. The students conducted an interview with the company and they also arranged an educational tour in our manufacturing factory. The interview focus about the company’s manufacturing technologies, machines, processes, etc,
The project went well. After hearing the feedback from one of the organizers of the project, the group received the highest report presentation, that is 98%. We are thankful to the students of UP Diliman, especially with the help of Ms. Jeninna Romane Enriquez and Mr. Prince Jimdel Wraigne-Ventura for featuring our company and be part of their success.