This coming holiday should be a fun event and not one riddled with stomach flu or any other untimely food diseases that will ruin the season. As the master or mistress of the kitchen, it is up to you to make sure that everything is spic and span and properly sanitized to avoid food spoilage and spreading of germs. Here are the most important food equipment sanitation to protect your family this holiday.
1. Sanitize kitchen equipment. Another way to reduce exposing your food to harmful bacteria is to sanitize your kitchen equipment. There are many chemicals used to disinfect equipment such as a tablespoon of bleach mixed in a gallon of warm water. Mix this solution and let your kitchen utensils and equipment soak on it for about 2 minutes before rinsing with hot water. Let them air dry.
2. Kitchen cutting boards. Cutting boards are a staple in any kitchen but not everyone knows how much germs can accumulate in between the cuts, cracks, and crevices of your board especially after it’s been used for a long time. It’s important that you learn the art of sanitizing your wooden cutting board. What you need to do is to wash it with dish soap and warm water first before treating its surface with your water and bleach solution. Let the solution soak into the board for about 10 minutes then dry it with paper towel.
3. Dishwasher. Your dishwasher handles the cleaning of your kitchen utensils, plates, spoons, forks, and even glasses but sometimes it can be a hot bed for germs if not cleaned properly. You should remove the racks first before wiping down the inside of the dishwasher with soapy water and use a toothbrush to scrub the wheels of the racks. Remove the dust from the fan slats. Put white vinegar into the detergent cup and run the washer in empty to remove the stains.
4. Microwave. Put a coffee mug with water and slices of lemon in the middle of the microwave and let it run for three minutes on high power. Leave the lemon water for another three minutes so the steam can soften the food spills while the aroma from the lemon removes any odors. Wipe the walls with cloth immersed in soapy, warm water. Remove the microwave’s turntable so you can brush the wheels with toothbrush.
5. Blender, food processor, mixer. Remove the blade and any parts that can be detached before soaking them in water with dish washing liquid. Hand-wash the bowl, and the blender carafe or pop them in the dishwasher. Clean the blades using nylon brush. Dry the blades using a towel or cloth.
6. Toaster oven and toaster. Remove the trays and soak them in warm water with soap. Wipe the inside with wet cloth. Use a toothbrush to get rid of any debris. Remove detachable parts and clean them properly.
7. Coffeemaker. Remove the filter and carafe and soak them in warm water with soap. Pour at least two to three cups of water and the same amount of vinegar into the water chamber then push the brew button. Turn off the machine halfway through the brewing cycle and let the vinegar solution sit for an hour. Turn on the machine and let the cycle complete. Run two cycles using plain water to get rid of the vinegar solution. Wipe the body with a wet cloth.