Anda Power Corporation Industrial Cleaning Project last January 2 – 8, 2018. Clean boilers can reduce emissions produced by a power plant because less fuel is required to produce the same amount of power. For power plants, boiler cleaning is essential in keeping the plant working efficiently and effectively reducing cost. REQUEST A QUOTE
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Water tank cleaning should be included in your manufacturing plant or office maintenance schedule because water tanks can acquire dirt and debris over time which can lead to odor, rusting, color and bacteria growing in the water. One of the ways to prevent water disease bacteria is through disinfection and cleaning of water tanks at least… Read more »
read morePassivation is a process of restoring the surface of a certain metal to its original characteristics with a protective oxide film. We did a passivation of UV Vessel last July 2017 and the project was to make the vessel improved its corrosion resistance and extend its life. We all know that stainless steel has a resistant… Read more »
read moreCleaning and maintenance of air conditioning unit is a must to every company. Neglecting the needed maintenance and cleaning can cost your company a lot and the efficiency of each air conditioning unit can lead to higher cost of energy. Last July 5, 2017, we are able to do this project to one of the… Read more »
read moreFeeds manufacturing plants need maintenance and proper cleaning to assure product quality and safety. The cleaning processed and appropriate maintenance of this kind of plants will prevent diseases and other related animal-health problems. Nutec Feeds and Solutions Manufacturing Plant is located in Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines and we get the chance to apply our expertise in cleaning. The… Read more »
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